Events & Incentives

Sailing trips with a skipper

Sailing routes

“Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit.”
-- Justin Brooks Atkinson

Setting off for new shores changes a yachtsperson, setting something in motion that will always be with them. They can switch off from everyday life, be active or just relax, collect unforgettable moments and experience varied programmes on land, coupled with fresh air and a daily change of scene. The distant reaches of the sea and the air of the oceans, combined with a sense of freedom that is unknown on land, liberate their spirit and open it up to experiencing nature at close quarters.
Leisure-Sailing Ltd. ~Travel~ organises accompanied sailing trips on deep-sea catamarans to numerous destinations worldwide. These trips are always accompanied by a skipper, and can also be supplemented with a coach / trainer/ hostess, depending on requirements.

Our sailing trips offer “added value”, because as well as the sailing itself, guests on our trips also have an opportunity for personal development. We offer various options for this:

  • Seminars
  • Coaching

Je nach Anforderung wird im Rahmen des Törns ein Seminar durchgeführt, das sich über die Törndauer verteilt, wodurch die Inhalte viel effektiver vermittelt und vertieft werden können als an nur einem Tag oder Wochenende. Im Übrigen ist erwiesen, dass Menschen in einem Urlaubsumfeld sehr viel offener sind, sich neuen Themen zu nähern und diese zu verinnerlichen als in ihrem Arbeitsumfeld.

Besonders Führungskräfte sind für Coachings prädestiniert. Verschiedene Themen sind hierfür geeignet. Das Auseinandersetzen mit Stärken, Schwächen und Konfliktsituationen sowie sozialer Kompetenz und Intuition wird das Wohlbefinden, die Gesundheit, das Vertrauen in sich selbst und andere, sowie die Leistungsfähigkeit nachhaltig stärken und steigern und die Ideenfindung zum Motivationsmanagement fördern.

Depending on the requirements, a seminar can be held that is spread over the duration of the sailing trip, so the content can be conveyed and consolidated much more effectively than on just one day or one weekend. What’s more, it has been demonstrated that people are much more open to approaching and internalising new topics in a holiday environment than they are in their working environment.
Managers in particular are prime candidates for coaching on a variety of topics. Tackling strengths, weaknesses and conflict situations, as well as interpersonal skills and intuition, will permanently strengthen and increase their well-being, health, performance and confidence in themselves and in other people, and help them come up with ideas to manage motivation.
It has been widely known for some time that, especially on yachts, a “crew” needs to act as a team so that they can successfully make headway. The teambuilding encouraged on board often makes it possible to become a team on a level which would never be achieved in the working environment. Here, in particular, we also recommend participating in sailing regattas or organising sailing competitions between several yachts.
A strong spirit lives in a strong body. Whether it is yoga, fitness, meditation or laughter therapy, we are happy to arrange for a suitable trainer to accompany us on sailing trips, and we use the leisure time effectively for your training. In this way we can create the optimal balance for your body and soul on board.

On all our sailing trips, balanced, healthy and sustainable nutrition is important, so the meals on board are prepared with the greatest care and attention. When choosing restaurants we always look for the best option locally.
Naturally, suitable yachts are also a major part of these incentives. Catamarans from Lagoon, Bali (Catana Group) or Fountaine Pajot are available in various sizes and layouts, and can be chartered by us to fully meet the requirements for the boat. You will find an example attached.
When it comes to selecting the region, in principle there are no limits. Customers often decide according to the options for getting there, how long it takes, or the season. It could be the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, the Andaman Sea or the Kingdom of Tonga – it is entirely up to you. The following travel periods are suitable for the different regions:

  • Mediterranean: May/June to September/October
  • Caribbean: November/December January to June
  • Indian Ocean: May to August
  • Andaman Sea: November to February
  • Scandinavia: June to August

For long-distance destinations, especially with time differences, we recommend 14 days as the duration of your sailing trip, and otherwise 7 to 14 days. The trips always start on a Saturday.
Sailing holidays require a lengthy preparation period. We often need a 6–8-month lead time to be able to charter the best yacht for you in the destination region.

We would be pleased to put together an individual offer for you, and would be grateful if you would contact us in good time for this.

“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you have altered.” (Nelson Mandela)
