We can be contacted during office hours on the numbers +49 160 455 1416 and +44 784 645 01 14 . Or you can use our callback service. We will be pleased to call you back by arrangement between 9.00 and 18.00 Monday to Friday.
Contact us any time, any place
Contact us any time at: info@leisure-sailing.travel
A click is all it takes, and we will reply as quickly as possible.
A click is all it takes, and we will reply as quickly as possible.
Leisure Sailing LTD
Kemp House, 128 City Road
EC1V 2NX, London
United Kingdom
For advice, information and questions we are available at the following times:
Mon.-Thurs. 09:00 to 18:00
Fr. 09:00 to 16:00
Outside these times (evenings and weekends) you are very welcome to contact us by arrangement.