Something for everyone who loves the sea

It’s familiar to every family: at least once a year you really want to spend time together, but everyone’s different characters and interests always get in the way. So how do you organise a holiday so that everyone can enjoy time with their family and have fun, while still carefully balancing the needs of the parents and their offspring?

It all comes down to motivating the younger generation to spend their time actively and do what inspires and interests their parents. We offer recreation that meets these requirements and where everyone feels good. Based on our wealth of experience of sailing with families, we know that some families include both active and passive participants, while others have similar interests.

But what brings them all together is curiosity about, and love for, the sea. Below we describe in detail the benefits and opportunities offered by a family holiday on a sailing catamaran – especially for every family member when they are accompanied by an experienced skipper and organiser …

Sailing routes

Families on Board

Let’s start with fathers:
Active fathers: swimming wherever and whenever you want, taking the rudder and acquiring the basics of skippering, nautical knots and setting the sails, diving, catching octopuses by hand, fishing, switching to kayaks and visiting caves, going on shore to scale the mountain crests and wave to the family members still lazing about on deck. Launching airborne or underwater drones, using water skis, waveboards or windsurfing boards. Advanced or braver dads can try kiteboarding.

+++++Beer chilling in the fridge…
Not had enough yet? Then here’s some more: come ashore, switch to bikes and work on descents and ascents, stop when you want and take photos. Your pulse is pounding in your temples, the wind is drying your sweat, but you want to get the very best from yourself…

+++++Beer still chilling in the fridge…
For those who like working up a sweat but don’t want to test their strength to the limit, we offer some interesting hiking routes.
After all that, the longed-for moment always awaits: a white catamaran with cool drinks for “sportsmen” of all categories… but first there is still that somersault jump from the edge of the deck, to the applause of everyone who has spent the whole time snoozing on deck.
Other options depend on what mood the fathers are in, and include both total passivity and various water activities.

And then the mothers, who simply have to switch to “pleasure” and “pampering” mode:
They can, of course, join the fathers, or set off on an easier route or go shopping, if available. They can swim in sheltered spots, go for interesting walks or immerse themselves in history with a professional guide, explore the world of medicinal herbs, have a fun photo session or take part in a photo safari.
In some marinas they can schedule spa treatments, on request.

Our favourite passengers are children and teenagers, because you don’t have to motivate them at all! They are always ready to swim, run, cycle or go canoeing if it means another adventure to enjoy. So prepare for the children’s programme to differ from the parents’, so that everyone can enjoy doing their own separate thing.
But what unites everyone is the incredible beauty of the scenery, the many new impressions, the tasks set by the captain while manoeuvring the catamaran, and naturally the shared ritual of enjoying mealtimes together every day.
What do you think of this programme? Imagine you can watch the sun rise in a new place every day. There is enough space on the catamaran for everyone to pursue their own interests. We will be happy to take care of the children’s free time in the evening so that adults can enjoy the luxury of some togetherness.
We recommend a maximum of two families on a yacht (two double cabins with bathrooms per family) and two crew members – us – to look out for the safety and comfort of all the participants.

All that remains is the routes:
Here, there are few restrictions. We will listen to all your wishes, from Norway to South Africa, from the Caribbean to the Philippines, and will arrange a sailing route for you including local onshore excursions.
In 2020 we are concentrating on the Northern Sporades region, where we are organising children’s sailing expeditions in the school holidays with the project Sailing 4 Future. Take a look through our descriptions or request a detailed programme. This programme is also suitable for families with children, and offers all family members freedom to enjoy their own interests. Together, you can experience the wonderful flora and fauna, while the new knowledge and the shared experiences will bring all the family members together.
Use our programme overview as a guide to start with. We will be happy to send you more detailed information with specific daily programmes by post or email. Please register to request these.
